American Ale (Gladfield)

$2.99 kg

Product Price

American Ale malt is Gladfield’s answer for brewers who found that the regular Ale malt added too much of a malty and toasted flavour profile to certain beer styles.

This malt starts as all of their other base malts do with Gladfield’s traditional long cool germination period. What separates it from their standard Ale malt is a newly developed kilning recipe that favours colour formation typical to an Ale malt but with a clean malt profile and without the extra toasted flavours.

This malt has been a favourite for producing popular hop-forward American style beers for which it was named.

Colour (EBC) – 4.5-5.5

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We crush grains free of charge. Choose between uncrushed, regular crush (0.064″) or fine crush (0.032″).

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