Ale (Gladfield)

$2.99 kg

Product Price

Gladfield Ale malt has very similar attributes to the Pilsner malt but only autumn grown 2-row varieties are used. The malt is fully modified through a traditional long cool germination.

This is a highly friable malt but again the soluble nitrogen ratios are kept relatively low to enhance mouth feel and head retention. The kilning regime gives a nice toasty character with enhanced maltiness for dark ales. This can be toned down for a cleaner malt profile for a lighter hoppy pale ale by adding small amounts of Pilsner malt.

A single step mash of between 64° and 67°C is sufficient to avoid any lautering problems and obtain good extract however multi step mashes may improve extract potential and improve stability in the bottle. Mash pH should be adjusted correctly to achieve brew house efficiency.

Colour (EBC) – 5-6

Enter the amount of grain you wish to purchase (e.g. 3.75 is 3.75 kg) and then click add to cart.

We crush grains free of charge. Choose between uncrushed, regular crush (0.064″) or fine crush (0.032″).

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